My name? It's a tale of self-discovery. In my twenties, I decided to legally change mine—which is a profound decision. When I stood before the judge, I expressed that my birth name no longer aligned with the person I was evolving into. However, my chosen name, often leads to me being misgendered, causing frequent misunderstandings about my gender identity. Choosing to go by El isn't just about a name change—it's a way to foster understanding. For me, El is more than a label; it fits perfectly and serves as a reminder that life is all about embracing our true selves.
as always,
Kyle G. Cameron
“Freedom is just another word for nothin’ left to lose.”
“Freedom is the ability to make a decision about one’s autonomy without government interference.”
“Common sense can be taught, recognized, and rewarded but it cannot be legislated or prohibited.”
Upcoming events
November 5th - Election Day